Our Wednesday
Yesterday was Brian's birthday, and after 3 days of rain the weather was supposed to clear off. I'd been waiting all week to go birthday shopping. Brian is always SO good to me, and this year he has surprised me many times. The most recent being Becky's trip to see me for my birthday and my birthday boots. Did you happen to see them on my Project 365 page? In case you didn't, here's a picture.

Anyway, back to Wednesday. It was still raining, about 35 degrees, and then the rain turned to snow. Not only the snow, but Brian had scheduled the heating/air guy to service our heater as well as the one at church. And then Camden was complaining about his tooth. I checked it, and he had a big abscess on both sides of the tooth with a silver cap. Yuck! I took him to school, called the dentist, and they were able to get us in at 10:30. So back home to clean up, then pick Camden up from school, off to the dentist where they decided to pull it. He was such a trooper! He barely whimpered, while I stood next to him gripping his ankle (the only body part I could get to) and shed a few tears myself. Camden and I both shared several laughs as Rory kept asking throughout the day, "is your face dumb?"
So all of that to say that I did not get to birthday shop for Brian. But I did get to have kind of a fun quiet day home with the kids. Poor Camden was not feeling great so he camped out on the couch for a while. They both helped me wrap up pictures of what I was planning to buy Brian for his birthday as well as a few Christmas gifts. And let me just say that it took a L.O.N.G. time to wrap presents with an 8 year old and 5 year old "helping." And apparently a trip to the dentist, grocery store, then a day home with both kids was enough to seriously tire me out because I crashed at 6:00 last night.
I also made homemade hot chocolate for them. Camden promptly declared that he would never drink the mix kind with marshmallows again. Exactly what I think too, Camden.

This was kind of an outtake, but Rory cracks me up. She was in the middle of a "Mmmmmmmm."

And when the dentist asked if I wanted to keep Camden's tooth, I said no. Then I got a good look at it and said yes because I knew it had to be my picture of the day. :)
You see the roots on that thing? I can't believe the dentist just pulled it out of his mouth, and I can't believe Camden was so great about it. I think I would have been a blubbering mess. I've said it before, but Camden may be a bit of a baby about little things like paper cuts or hang nails (or any number of things), but when it comes to something big, he is a trooper.

Also need hot chocolate recipe 'cause it's supposed the *really* snow the next two days and I need something to get me through it. ; )
And, Camden! Oh my stars! Was the root of that tooth connected to your toes?!?! What a whopper!!
I love my Fiesta also. Mine has a few years on it and your colors are so much brighter, but love it!