Four Cousins

Yes, we attempted photos with an 8 year old and three 5 year olds. It went surprisingly well. Much better than when they were 5 and 3.


See? Definitely better. And, no, my editing isn't messed up - we changed grassy locations to a dead grassy location apparently.


My personal favorite even though their feet are cropped and it's off centered, but not enough off-centered to be intentional. ;)

And this outtake cracked me up. Becky certainly looks mischievous, doesn't she.

A quick one of the boys. They are way too cute in those coats.

I didn't even attempt to take one of my own two together. Another time.


Joyce said…
Got to get prints of those!! What a difference from that first picture to the last. The cutest kids on the planet!
Anonymous said…
These are AWESOME!!! I love the last one of all the kids especially.
I think I've got you beat, though--I took photos of SEVEN cousins age 7, 4, 4, 3 (Briar), 2, 9 weeks and 2 weeks!!! However, my photos did not turn out nearly as pretty as yours!!!
These are beautiful!!! Holy cow! I love the "off-center" one too. Isn't that what cropping is for?! ;-)

I also love that last shot of Becky's boys! I hope that ends up in a frame...
Unknown said…
Rory looks perfectly centered to me!
KrisJ said…
OMG these are GREAT!!!

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