Christmas Photo Shoot

While I had big plans to do some sort of official photo shoot with my kids, the reality is that chemo kicked my tail and I wanted to watch Tim Tebow play football so the photo shoot was kind of rushed. Okay, alot rushed. As in throw the kids in their clothes, drive down the road and stand them against an old barn. Fix my settings, press shutter down. Hope for the best. Good thing my kids are super cute!

And you should maybe count yourself lucky that I didn't have time to edit and publish all of my favorites (coughcough a mere 33 coughcough).





And for my photographer friends, if you're interested, I used my 70-200 lens. Settings were: f2.8, ISO 800, 1/200 SS. I decided to go with a little different feel so I processed them with Florabella Luxe II Milk action, reduced opacity to about 50%.


Anonymous said…
Absolutely beautiful photos Melissa!! Thanks for sharing your photo info too...I wish my photos looked like yours! :)
Shelly said…
I wish I had just a tiny bit of your talent!! Cute pics!
thehsmomof3 said…
Beautiful pics! What camera do you use? Software?
Your kids are adorable. Those are pretty awesome pics for a rushed photo shoot!
Joy said…
Beautiful photos! Love the one of Camden!
Krista said…
gorgeous darling! i adore the last one!!
Monica said…
If chemo kicked your tail and you did a photo shoot with the result of 33 favorite shots, just how much energy do you have on a good day? My goodness, Melissa! :) And they're all great, though my favorite might be the one of Rory sticking out her tongue.
NorasMommy said…
Those are wonderful photos. Love the way you can see the twinkle in C's eyes.
Amy said…
These pictures are absolutely beautiful!!
Quickly done, but still gorgeous!!! Love them!

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