Hair Update

Becky warned me it would happen, but I completely didn't believe her. Monday, however, as I was on the elevator at the hospital, two separate ladies joined me and completely raved about how fantastic my haircut was. How brave I was to cut it so short and they wished they had the face for it like I do. I decided not to embarrass them by telling them that actually I have cancer and it's just now growing back. That it's complete puppy fluff and I cannot even comb it because it just does whatever it wants to do. Now I expected my friends and family to like it, mostly because they love me and partially because I think I probably look a little healthier with some hair on my head (fluff or not). But random strangers?

It's been 2 weeks now since I stopped wearing scarves, and I have gotten WAY more stares with this little bit of hair than I ever did when I was wearing scarves and I have to say that it's a little disconcerting and makes me more than a bit self-conscious, but whatever.


And proof that I'm feeling better, I've been a scrapping fool in the last 12 hours.

Lauren Reid: Call Me (from The Digi Files)

The Tattered Pear: Bookmarked

I've been on a Michelle Coleman kick lately. This is her All is Bright kit, which you can only get as a subscriber to Little Dreamer Designs.


Joyce said…
Yea for hair!!!
Louise Lewis said…
The look is beautiful as you are. Why have long hair and have to worry with it. Right now is perfect, it just brings out those lovely eyes and your personality.
Anonymous said…
I love your short do!! I think it looks beautiful on you! :)
Renee T. said…
wow- that short do is lovely on you :)

KrisJ said…
I love it! Yaa for hair and yaa for feeling better!!
Krista said…
Love it!
Um, the reason you're getting more stares now is because you look stunning!!! The short hair really does suit you!
You look absolutely beautiful! I am a big fan of short, short hair to begin with but with your gorgeous eyes-WOW! You just look great.
Mayme said…
Brady told me you had some rocking hair! I think that is slang for cool:) Hope you are having a good day.
Vicky said…
Wow! The light is shining through your eyes and your hair is the perfect frame for the beautiful person you are! Loved the story too :) There is something very bold and brave about really short hair!
Melissa, you are so incredibly beautiful!!!
Unknown said…
This random and hetero male and stranger loves your short haircut too. Very flattering to your pretty face!
Elizabeth Frick said…
Your hair is just adorable!

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