First Day

We managed to make it out the door by 7:30 this morning, but it was painful! Rory, for whatever reason, woke up at 5:30 this morning and did the whole inconsolable crying thing again. She was pretty awful all day. I think it's a combination of being really tired and also a little bit of the Terrible Two's rearing its head.

After we dropped Camden off, Rory and I went to Murfreesboro for our final post-placement visit. We met with our THIRD social worker, and actually really liked her. She was older (a.k.a more experienced), and I felt like she had some good advice for us on Rory's attachment progress. More on that in a different post maybe. I decided that Rory was too cranky to risk errands so we came home, ate lunch, and then she slept. Unfortunately, I had to wake her up to go pick up Camden. Hence, the cranky mood for the rest of the day.

Someone from work called today with a question for me, and it made me think about how much I miss work. I miss my friends there. I miss being really good at something. It's a busy time of year, though, and I do not miss the extra stress and time I would be required to put in.

I've been trying to work on maintaining good eye contact with Rory (she really tries to avoid looking into my eyes) and I've been saying, "let me see your pretty eyes, Rory" when I give her things. Well, Camden doesn't quite get the point. I heard him today saying, "look at my pretty eyes, Rory."

Has anyone heard of Jillian Michaels? We've started on our second week of doing her Frontside work out, and we're both so sore! I'm pretty sure I haven't worked these muscles in many years!

I'm beginning a new routine tomorrow. No computer time after the kiddos get up in the morning until they go down for their afternoon nap. I want to do a better job of keeping a routine/schedule, and I'm pretty sure this will help me, painful though it might be! :)

We've got the Olympics on again tonight, and I'm really wanting to stay up and watch them, but my 4 hours of sleep last night are catching up with me so we'll see.

Camden on his way to school.
And if we needed any more proof she's a girly girl,
look at that purse on her shoulder. She INSISTED
on wearing that both times we left the house today.

2 Straws by Dani Mogstad, Shawna Clingerman, Traci Reed


I love how girly-girl Rory is! And so well-coordinated too!

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