
Yesterday Rory, Camden, and I took lunch to Brian and were able to see his new classroom. He has alot left to do before students arrive on Friday, but I think he'll be able to get it done. It's so funny to go into elementary classrooms. They look like a crayon box has exploded onto the walls. There are so many bright colors and posters and bulletin boards. I can't concentrate in there, but I'm sure kids enjoy it!

Over the last couple of days, we've had a little glimpse of what the Terrible Two's are going to look like on Rory. It's not pretty. I'm talking stomping feet, throwing toys when she doesn't get her way, hitting, inconsolable crying (when I won't let her color on the walls!!). Age five isn't looking so good on Camden either. He's a complete disaster these days. They haven't been able to play together at all this week without major screaming and fits on both sides. I'm not sure I'm up for this.

Julie Billingsley's Catch of the Day


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