
I am clearly a wimp. Grocery shopping with a 23 month old at Walmart and Kroger in the sticky heat seriously wears me out! Not to mention making 8-9 trips up the stairs carrying all the groceries. Oh, well! It must be done!

I cannot tell you the amount of time Rory spent in this laundry basket yesterday with an empty Mountain Dew bottle. Who knew that could be so much fun! I let Rory and Camden play in the bathtub for over an hour last night - they were having such a good time I couldn't interrupt them (and I'll do anything for some peace and quiet).

We have soccer practice tonight, and then no plans for tomorrow, which is fine by me. Saturdays are my favorite day of the week. Brian is home, and I'm not solely responsible for the kiddos' happiness and keeping the peace!

Two Camden funnies.
  • Yesterday afternoon he asked if he could go get the trash cart and move it back under the porch. I said sure and then went out to watch him while he went to get it because it's by the road. He was fine, so I came back inside. A few minutes later I could hear lots of shouting and crying, and I ran outside thinking he was hurt. Nope! Just mad at the cart because he was having trouble rolling it down the drive way so he was chewing the cart out. He finally made it back just fine.
  • This morning at breakfast he asked me how much I loved him, and I told him all the way to school and back. He looked up at me with this hurt expression and said, "but it's not very far to my school!"
Oh, did I mention it's a 3-day weekend? It's a toss-up as to who is more excited: me or Brian.


Anonymous said…
I love the Camden stories! It is so sweet how his mind works...sizing the matter up and declaring that it isn't very far to his school and back! Too sweet!!!
Anonymous said…
Melissa, after reading several entries I've determined that you might just have 2 of the funniest kiddos ever!! :-) I'm living vicariously through you until we have our first baby home. God bless!

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