Just Like Mommy

Rory went and got her doll the other day and pointed to the carrier. Doesn't she look cute!

This is the first morning this week we haven't had to be somewhere so I plan to take it easy. The floors are vacuumed, kitchen swept, laundry all caught up (I washed, dried, folded and put away 5 loads yesterday), and supper is already planned (biscuits, bacon, and eggs in case you're wondering).

If you're a scrapper, you might be interested to know ScrapbookPictures is having a sale on their prints. I printed layouts that have been accumulating since April (yikes!). I used to print every month, and that definitely helped me keep caught up, but since Rory has been home, I haven't done so well. I printed 80 pages - that's alot since mid-April!

In other scrapping news, Dani Mogstad emailed and asked me to be on her CT again. I've been a member twice now, and am so excited. She is one of my all-time favorite designers.

Camden and Rory aren't off to a great start this morning. They both woke up before 6:00, although Rory did go back to sleep for a little while. Any suggestions on how to stop the insane screeching if Camden happens to touch Rory, touch anything she might have played with in the last 17 days, or if he merely looks at her the wrong way?

I've roped Brian into taking Camden and Rory tonight to soccer practice while I escape to the mall. I'm going to maybe do some shopping at Gymboree's COF sale because you know my kids have nothing to wear this fall (insert heavy sarcasm here).

That's pretty much my day in a nutshell. Hope yours is good!


Joy said…
Oh Melissa! The second pic of Rory is PRECIOUS!! :)
Those pictures of Rory with the carrier are absolutely adorable!
Brenna said…
How sweet! You'll have to get her a Rory-sized carrier for her baby dolls! What a great sign of your attachment progress ~good job, Mom.
Amanda said…
Rory looks so sweet! Amazing how they pick up on our actions!

Thanks for the help with blogger. After many hours it's finally done.

Thanks also for heads up about scrapbookpics. I too have not printed all summer and it is going to be a mess. This will help lots!

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