
Rory had two memorable bathroom experiences yesterday. She was taking her bath yesterday morning, and I was cleaning the bathroom and picking up in the computer room (no one panic - I wasn't leaving her alone; the rooms are connected and she was within hearing and mostly sight at all times), and I stepped into the computer room and all of a sudden heard a bump. I turned around, and she had CLIMBED out of the bath tub! She cried for a bit, not because she was hurt, but because it scared her when she fell. She's a petite little thing. I'm not quite sure how she got out (and so quickly!). The second experience just grosses me out! While I was fixing supper, Rory and Camden were playing (or so I thought) in the computer room (also connected to the kitchen), but when I poked my head in to check on them, I didn't see Rory. I called her, and she answered with her typical "Wha??" She was in the bathroom PLAYING in the toilet! I was so irritated at Camden for using the potty and then leaving the door open! Hopefully, there will be no bathroom experiences today. I think two were enough for the week.

This is my last day home alone with Rory. Today is Camden's last day of K-4, and my hard-fought-for schedule is about to be demolished! The last two weeks or so I've felt good about Rory's naps, our general schedule, and things seem to be calming down. But as of Monday we'll have Camden home every day, and then Brian finishes up next Friday and will be home until August when school starts up again. Camden could technically start kindergarten in the fall, but because his birthday isn't until July 15, we've decided to keep him back for a year. I think it will be better for him in the long run to not always be the youngest in his class and will help him to not struggle socially and academically. It will be a challenge for me to have him at home, however. I don't want him to be bored, and having two kids at home will definitely be more challenging than just one. We do plan to put him in the 4 year old Mother's Day Out program at school two days a week, so that will be helpful.

We're going out for dinner tonight with friends, but that's out only plans for the weekend. Tomorrow's weather is supposed to be nice (the first this week) and so maybe we'll take the kiddos to the park.

Here are a few more pictures of Rory using my new lens. She was in such a cute mood last night. And she's such a poser - I didn't ask her to do any of these things. I just snapped away. She loves having her picture taken!


Brenna said…
Been there on the potty adventures, Melissa. When Haden was a toddler I found him at the potty joyfully scooping up handfuls of water and pouring them over his own head. I scrubbed him well, but my skin crawled for the rest of the day.

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