It's Thursday

I feel like all I do is complain on the blog, so I'll try to keep it to a minimum, but all the whining and general crankiness is getting to me! How long should I expect it to take before Camden realizes his sister is not going back to Korea and this is his new normal??

This is not related to Rory, but Camden's newest gripe is meal time. He's become more and more used to all the "good" food that he was getting at school. You know, cheetos and oreos for snack time, chips and ice cream for lunch, etc. He was able to choose not to eat his vegetables or meat or bread. Well, every meal time he throws a hissy fit and complains and says, "but I didn't want that" (imagine this in a 4 year old whiny voice). So this morning after I had got up early, made coffee cake for breakfast and he complained yet again (despite the fact he loves coffee cake), I told that him it's too bad that he'd chosen to not eat breakfast and sent him to his room. He wasn't happy. We'll see if missing a meal changes his attitude toward what I cook. Oh, yeah - and that coffee cake? Tasted like dirt, and we threw it out.

On today's agenda is a family trip to the grocery store. Brian is having lunch with the other 4th grade teachers at school and then having dinner with a friend in Nashville tonight (isn't he quite the social butterfly). In between lunch and dinner while Brian is home, I'm going to a warehouse sale. Doesn't that sound fun? It's a children's brand, Coco Bonbons, and they're selling their Summer and Fall 2007 lines 70% off. Hopefully I'll find some cute stuff that I couldn't otherwise afford!


Korea Adoption said…
I really enjoy your posts each day. Please keep them coming.

John (Some Day Father) in Michigan
M :-) said…
Noah is doing the same stuff at meal time. He's 3 1/2 and his whining about me giving him the wrong food is driving me batty!

The warehouse sale sounds HEAVENLY!!! Can I come with you? Molly needs some more cute stuff! ;)

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