Dental Work

Brian spent most of his first day of spring break doing taxes and going to the dentist (it was his and Camden's turn). Sounds fun, doesn't it? It's never encouraging when your dentist calls you over to look at your son's x-rays and says "those things are huge" - talking about his top two adult teeth that have yet to make an appearance. He says there are definite spacing issues. There are also issues with his eye teeth being completely flat because he grinds them so hard in his sleep. I guess that's not ideal. :) Dental bills are clearly a part of our future.

Today is another very gray, dreary day but I think we're eventually supposed to see the sun sometime this week and it cannot come soon enough. This has been the grayest winter!

Lauren Reid: Luckiest Day

Lauren Reid: Luckiest Day


Elizabeth Frick said…
Ugh. I HATE the dentist and his/her bills. :(
If our weather is any indication of what you'll soon be getting, it's good. We have sun and warmer temps today! Hope you do too.
Oh man... I'm hoping that Spencer's baby teeth are not an indication of how is adult teeth are going to come in... let's just leave it at that.

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