Our Monday

We had 73 degree temperatures yesterday (definitely the warmest so far this year) and the kids loved playing outside. Rory spent about an hour out in the morning and then they both played after school. I walked on the treadmill and did 6 loads of laundry throughout the day; we took a family walk when Brian got home, and I made Pioneer Woman's Baked Lemon Pasta for supper. Brian and Camden headed to Wal-mart to get supplies to fix my brake lights while I took Rory to her first preschool gymnastic class. And that would be our day in a nutshell. :)

This would be my "girly" girl doing her favorite outdoor activity: playing in the dirt (with Camden's car).

Cori Gammon/Kaye Winiecki: Christmas Wonder

Gina Miller: March BYOC


Joy said…
Love the "snow cream" layout - so cute!
Elizabeth Frick said…
I love seeing the tomboy in Rory! So cute.
And ooh, that Pioneer Woman... we tried her pizza dough? YUM.
Brian Lewis said…
Funny how differently men and women phrase things. For example, Melissa says, Brian and Camden went to get "supplies" to fix my brake light. It sounds like we were doing crafts! :)

A man would say (in a deep "Tim, the tool man voice") I'm going to get the "parts" to fix your car. Amazing how one word changes things!

BTW, Melissa does not get enough credit for all she does to keep our home sailing smooth. I love you, Babe!
I totally forgot my comment after Brian's comment... so funny and sweet... all in one!

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