Sunday Dress

Someone please make me feel better and tell me she doesn't look 12 in this dress. Where did my 3 year old go?


Anonymous said…
Nope, sorry, she looks 12!!! LOL!
Elizabeth Frick said…
Uh oh... did I give you a complex by my "she looks 30!" comment? :(
No way does she look twelve - the bobby sox give it away :)
Melissa said…
She looks adorable! :)
Amy said…
She looks precious!!

On Saturday when our formal app came it had a copy of the Adoptive Families magazine with it. Imagine my surprise when I see a picture of Rory while flipping through it!! It was the pic from the Reader's Choice contest. I'm going to need to get that sweet girl's autograph!!
Maybe 6... but definitely not 12! ;-)

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