Flashback Friday

I ran across these pictures last night from Spring 2006 and almost cried. Is there a way to stop time?


Amy said…
What a cutie he was and still is! The one with the sunglasses is my favorite!
Joy said…
Adorable pictures!! If you find a way to slow down time, let me know. It is passing WAY too quickly - they just don't stay little long enough.
OMG I soo remember the old navy hat picture from the holt bb....
Amazing how we blink and they have changed over night!
Still as adorable as always!
OMG... I almost cried and he's not even my kid! So adorable!
Elizabeth Frick said…
awww... it goes WAY too fast. thank you for reminding us. i won't take now for granted :)
Bob and Brenda said…
If there was a way to stop time I would have used it a long time ago. Sweet pictures!

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