Korean event

Saturday night we had the opportunity to attend an event for adoptive families hosted by the Nashville Korean United Methodist Church. Just like last year, we were amazed by the church's hospitality and beautiful spirit. It was a great time with other adoptive families and Korean families from the church. We enjoyed a Korean meal, learned This is the Day in Korean (well, learned is probably too strong a word since I can't remember even one phrase at this point), saw a traditional fan dance, learned about the culture school they're offering to adoptive families, and saw their children's group dance. It was so fun! We're hoping to attend the culture school next semester.

My kids are good eaters in general, and tonight was no exception. Camden LOVES bulgogi (Korean BBQ) and Rory downed 3 seafood pancakes in about 5 minutes flat.

I think the Kimchi surprised her. :)

And the surprise turned to dislike.

Our weekend was pretty crazy. Well, crazy for Brian while the kids and I did our own thing and wished he were available. Because he has 2 jobs, he rarely has a Saturday off. He does it so that I can stay home with the kids, which I appreciate more than I can express. The kids have both been off the last several days and quite naughty. Considering I've already had an episode with Camden this before before 6:30, things are not looking up. We capped off the weekend with Rory running a fever and coughing her way through the night yet again. I am hoping and praying it's just a minor cold. Once again, so sick of everyone being sick around here!

Sidenote: I really liked this post by Shaun Groves. He's currently in Kenya on a Compassion trip.


Joy said…
Really enjoyed talking to you Saturday night! I agree with Camden and Rory - the food was delicious.

Hope Rory is feeling better!
Elizabeth Frick said…
Enough sickness for you guys already! Love the shot of Rory post-kimchi!
KrisJ said…
How fun! I need to find something like that hear for us!
I need something like this! I'm soooo jealous!

And the kimchi shot is FABULOUS. Spencer offers to take any kimchi off her hands for her...
Angie said…
Camden looks so grown up in those pictures!!

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