Win #1

Camden's first baseball game of the season was Saturday and it was a fun day (after the snake episode was behind us anyway). It started with team pictures and all the parents scrambling to keep their kids off the ground to preserve the white pants and hats until the picture was taken. :) It was Jamboree Day which means that everyone in our entire county was at the ball park. All teams (all ages and genders) played an abbreviated game to kick off the season.

Camden's team won 12-1 (definitely a first for his team). It was a good boost for them, but to be honest the other team was full of cute little 4-year olds who didn't have a clue what they were doing. He was up to bat twice. The first time (he leads off the batting order) he just barely nicked the ball and it ended up right in front of him. Because of the cute little 4-year olds who didn't know what they were doing, he actually had a home run from that little hit. The second time at bat he had a fabulous hit, but because of the cute little 4 year old on our own team who didn't know what he was doing and refused to get off 2nd base, Camden only had a single. Seriously, there is not much more fun than 4-6 year old boys playing baseball (and I'm not even a baseball fan. Shhhhhh).

These pictures are definitely poor quality. I need a new lens (coughcoughBriancoughcough) to take baseball pics!

Nothing cuter than little boys in baseball uniforms

The whole team
side note: he's no longer the smallest one - he's the one on the end (right side)

Baseball ready

Check out the player on the left

His big hit

Before the game


Amanda said…
Yay for the win. I think the pictures are great.
Joy said…
Way to go, Camden!!! Ellis has his 2nd game tonight so I will finally get to see the "baseball" I've been hearing about! Oh - tell Camden that Ellis is a Cardinal too! : )
Elizabeth Frick said…
What a whole lot of cute in one day! :) Congrats, Camden!!!
Brian Lewis said…
I totally can't comment after Brian. Well, at least not what I was originally going to say...

So I'll go with "cute!" And that kid on the left cracks me up...

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