
Some things about Rory this week:
  • "Oh, cool, that's awesome" and "Phooey-sticks" are the two favorite phrases this week.
  • Rory has always hated peanut butter/jelly sandwiches. About the only thing she actually refuses to eat. For whatever reason, she's changed her mind and has had pb&j for lunch every single day (including the day we met my friend for lunch at a restaurant).
  • I caught her cleaning the toilet with a sadly-deteriorated square of toilet paper.
  • She has mopped the kitchen floor every day.
  • We do not allow "Oh, my gosh/God/Lord" in the house, but Rory is picking it up from the news/food network/Olympics, etc. Yesterday she down for her nap a little miffed at me and when she got up, she proudly proclaimed that she said "Oh, my God" at naptime but I couldn't get her in trouble because she was at nap.
  • Despite what it sounds like on the blog, Rory rarely misbehaves. She really is a sweet, good-natured child. What seems to really get her, though, are the few times I actually have friends at the house and she does not have undivided attention. Cue to this morning when my friend Andrea came over for a few minutes. Rory decided to "wash" her baby's hair as well as her own hair with her cup of milk. While this qualifies more as mischievous than misbehaving, these moments seem to only come when she thinks she's being neglected.
  • Now that she goes to children's church instead of nursery on Sunday mornings, she is full of new songs and stories. The problem is that I don't always know exactly what song/ she's asking for. She tells me "just reach into your head and get it."
Camden lost his second tooth last night. It's a good thing it finally fell out because the new tooth is almost all the way grown in. These pictures are a sharp contrast to my earlier post, aren't they. :)


Elizabeth Frick said…
Totally cringed over Rory's #3 and the first shot of Camden. Still shivering...
Bob and Brenda said…
That tooth has been hanging for a while. I offered to pull it for him a couple of weeks ago. He said his daddy would do it...cute!
I was giggling away until I got to that shot of Camden. Then it was more like gagging... ;-)

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