10 Things

Becky tagged me several days ago but between the field trip, dentist appointment (from which I may never recover), and flat tire, I haven't had any time to think about 10 clever things you may or may not know about me. . . mostly because there isn't anything clever to discover. Anyway, here's the list:

1. I have 3 white hairs that I routinely do away with. It started with 1 when I was 25 and my boss (who was much taller than me) pointed out the first one.

2. I am not a kid person. I've decided that it's okay and doesn't make me a bad mom because I most definitely am a Camden and Rory person.

3. I spent the first year as a SAHM really missing my job. I spent the second year as a SAHM realizing that I'll never go back to work again because that would mean getting dressed plus full hair and make-up.

4. I can type 110 words per minute with only 1-2 mistakes. Yes, I know that for a fact because I spent the summers between my college years at temp agencies taking tests.

5. I really, really wanted to be a court reporter. Not the journalist kind, but the one who sits in the courtroom typing up the transcripts. I bet I would have been good at it (see #4 in the list). Maybe I can go back to school for it in the future.

6. I took piano lessons for 13 years and it used to be my one obsession. Then I had kids and started scrapping.

7. And now I take pictures that are never quite good enough. My new obsession. Good thing I have seriously cute kids to practice on even if I'll never be able to take pictures quite like her.

8. If I kept double stuff oreos in the house, I would not be able to stop myself from dunking them in milk for breakfast every morning. Which is why I do not keep them around. No self control.

9. I read Crazy Love this past fall, followed along with Compassion trips over the last 2 years (most recently this blogger who went to Kenya) and struggle almost daily with wanting to give more, do more, and trying to find a balance between my own selfish wants and doing the right thing.

10. Every morning I fix myself 1/2 cup of coffee in my teeny tiny pottery mug I bought at an arts fair years ago. Then I only drink about 1/2 of that and call myself a coffee drinker. Oh, and it must be good coffee. No Folgers or grocery store brand in this household.

And one funny story about Camden. After an especially frantic 30-minute supper prep (both Brian and I), we asked the kids to wash up and come sit down for supper. When Camden came in, I asked if he minded to run downstairs and grab me a Diet Mt. Dew while I fixed everyone else's drinks. He started to go, then turned and said, "do you know it feels like I do all the work around here?"

Shabby Princess: Sweetie Pie


Great list! I can so relate to #2. And I can kind of relate to #10... although I have many half cups throughout the morning!
Joy said…
My MIL was a court reporter for many years. She enjoyed it, but said the cases involving children were very difficult to sit through.
Elizabeth Frick said…
I love all these little tidbits! I can't believe your boss pointed our your first white hair :(
I can relate a lot to #2 - other people's kids really annoy me, which makes me want to homeschool really badly. Among other reasons...
#8 is totally me. Except swap the Oreos for anything and everything that includes sugar. The problem is, I bring those things into my home and then eat them until I'm ill. It's like I'm 6 years old. NO self control. So I feel your pain.
Krista said…
Great list! I'm jealous of the 3 white hairs - I wish I only had 3. I also am a #2 person.

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