Take Two
So you knew there was no way I could let that Monday picture go, right? I'll still use it for my P365, but it was grating on my every last nerve.
Not that these are perfect (ummm, far from it photographically speaking), but I love how much happier they were in the afternoon. Pretty sure I'm setting myself up for failure when I try to take a picture (1) in the morning because of the bad light and (2) in the morning because it's a morning!
I told them they could just be silly and then snapped away for about 15 seconds.
My favorite.
We have had a jam packed week so far: doctor's appointments, never-ending trips to and from school, open house for Brian, grocery shopping, Bible study, dinner with friends. And that was all in the first 2 days! Living this far away from everything means I am spending a ton of time in the car and a ton of money on gas! Looking forward to moving to somewhere just a little more centrally located.
Today's agenda includes a walk, laundry, church tonight. Happy Wednesday!