Tuesday's Tidbits

We're in Chaganooga (as Rory calls it) on a mini-getaway, but I have a few Tuesday tidbits to share from last week. I'll be back tomorrow hopefully with pictures and definitely a great story you don't want to miss. :)

Last week Camden and Rory made their own concoction of bubbles, dirt, and rocks and decided it smelled bad and they could kill bugs with it. They spent the morning chasing poor ants and bugs and drowning them with the concoction.

I've been trying to teach Camden and Rory to only use our back door instead of the front door, basement door, and back door all at once. :) Somehow they haven't learned yet, and will stand at the front door and knock for what feels like forever before they remember the back door is unlocked and ready for them.

Camden told me he had decided he was going to eat healthy today so he came back from the continental breakfast in our hotel with 2 pieces of sausage, a chocolate donut, and an apple. LOL

I saw this print a couple of weeks ago and really loved the bright colors (which is what made me click on it), but when I saw the verse, it brought tears to my eyes, and I clicked purchase. It arrived last week and I just love it. Not sure where it's going in the house yet, but I love it.

"Wouldn't it be cool if me and daddy were married?" Definitely from Rory.

Tomorrow I start cycle 3 of chemo. I'll have chemo Wednesday and Thursday and then the following Thursday. I am immensely grateful for the extra week I've had, but am SERIOUSLY dreading going back as I remember how sick I was after cycle 2. Today I choose to be grateful for feeling good the last couple of weeks and for the fact that I'll be halfway finished after this third cycle.

No pictures today, but here's a page I scrapped last week using Gina Miller/Jacque Larsen's iGo kit.


Joy said…
Enjoy your trip to "Chaganooga" - hope you found lots of fun things to do (and can't wait to hear the great story)! Praying the next cycle is easy on you and praise for being almost to the halfway point!
You are almost over the hump =) and after seeing your scrapbook page the other day I went out and bought that kit! (having CT works!) and can't wait to hear that story!
Um, I clicked on that print. It is beautiful and it made me well up. LOVE IT!
Elizabeth Frick said…
Thinking of you as you enter round #3.
Glad you guys are enjoying a getaway! I love Camden's idea of a healthy breakfast. My kind of guy! Except the sausage...
Laura said…
Maybe it will be more like your first cycle when you didn't feel as bad. I will say an extra prayer for you tonight. :) Have fun in Chatt! I think if I didn't live here that is where I would want to be. So many fun things to do. Love sweet Rory's comment!
FABULOUS tidbits! Your kiddos always make me smile.
Janet said…
That print is beautiful...and powerful...and perfect. :-)

Good luck with this next cycle. I remember dreading each one...once I finally started feeling good & somewhat "normal" again...but knew what I needed to do.

Loved reading the tidbits. I love hearing things kids say...D is just getting to the stage of starting to say funny things. I need to write them down.
Grace said…
i'm sorry, i can't get past rory's hilarious comment on marrying brian! ha!!!
hope you are feeling well today!

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