Teal Toes

Who knew September was Ovarian Cancer Awareness month? I sure didn't, and I have ovarian cancer! Ovarian cancer is hard to detect, is not nearly as widely known as other cancers, and is often called the silent killer. I started to post some statistics for you, but to be honest, it was a little too depressing for me. The numbers are not good. Mortality rate for those diagnosed with ovarian cancer has not improved in the last 30 years because it is diagnosed in late stages far too often. I'm not going to go any further, because the stats really are depressing, but I do want you to be aware of ovarian cancer. Early detection is the best thing that can happen if you're diagnosed. You can visit Ovarian Cancer National Alliance for information.

What I really wanted to do in today's post is to encourage you to participate with me in something fun for the month of September. There is an organization called Teal Toes bringing attention to ovarian cancer in a fun way. Just like pink is the official breast cancer color, teal is the official ovarian cancer color. And one small way to show support for ovarian cancer patients this month is to paint your nails teal, order a few of the information cards from Teal Toes and hand them out when people ask you about it. My mom, both sisters, Rory, and I all painted our nails teal over the weekend, and it is going to be my official color for the month of September. Teal Toes even gives a list of nail polish brands and what is the best teal color.

I bought Opi Austin-tatious Turquoise and have an extra to give away. So leave me a comment, and Wednesday I'll randomly choose a winner and send you the polish. Just as long as you promise to keep those toes teal all month! And, by the way, anyone who wants to participate in painting your toes teal, send me a picture at camdenmommy @ gmail dot com, and I'll post the pics here on the blog.

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And here's an interview with Shannon Miller, one of my all-time favorite gymnasts, who was diagnosed and treated for ovarian cancer this past year. I had no idea!


Linda Balthrop said…
Ok Melissa you know I don't paint fingernails of toenails but for the cause I will paint my toenails teal and leave them teal the rest of the month. You can award the polish to someone else though. LOL!!! I will even try to send a pic to prove I did it.
Denise Young said…
I had no idea it was Ovarian Cancer Month or about the teal.....or....about Shannon Miller (Beckee and I used to watch her on tv....amazing gymnist!).......I promise to paint my toe nails teal if I win (or even if I don't, I'll go get some......I'm usually a Mauve girl!) Hope you are feeling better!! xo
Anonymous said…
I'm with Denise, I had no idea about ovarian cancer month, or the teal, or about Shannon Miller!
Both Briar and I have pretty ugly toes/toenails, but I'll gladly send a picture if it's kept anonymous, lol!!!
Joy said…
I had no idea about the Teal Toes!! Teal is actually one of my favorite colors and I will proudly paint my toes that color for the month - whether I win or not! We can all send you pictures of our "teal toes"! : )
mary leigh said…
Stop I LOVE shannon miller!!! And my toes are all-natural, but if I win... teal toes it is!!!!
Anonymous said…
For some reason, I did know that it was ovarian cancer month, and I did know that teal was the official color. However, I didn't know about Shannon Miller. (love her!)

My toes are always painted in a bright, fun color - so I will gladly paint my nails (and Molly's) teal for the entire month. :)
Melissa said…
Uh, yeah, that last comment (from anonymous) would be from me. Oops!
2 - Hailey's favorite color is TEAL
3 - We happen to already have a bottle of TEAL polish!
4 - Painting our nails as soon as we get home from the grocery store! We'll keep them teal all month and will proudly share when asked!!

P.S. We'd paint them black, green, purple, yellow, or a combination of all of them if it would help your cause!
Jenn T. said…
Teal is both my girls favorite color, so I will take this opportunity as I paint their toes teal to explain ovarian cancer to them. We'll say some prayers while we're at it, too, for all those that suffer with ovarian cancer.
Elizabeth Lemons said…
I'm loving the teal color!
I was due for a new color- happy to paint them teal for you! :) and I have OPI Teal the Cows Come Home (http://www.flickr.com/photos/lextard/3365847977/) and will be happy to sport that pretty color for ya! And I had no idea bout Shannon Miller- I always liked her!!
Unknown said…
I am going to pick some teal up the next time I head to the store!! Thank you so much for the info!
Teal Toes said…

For all of you ladies who don't usually paint your toes-- that is even better for Teal Toes! People are WAY more likely to notice, which gives you the opportunity to tell them about Ovarian Cancer!
April said…
Shannon Miller is an Oklahoma girl! Love her! I would be honored to wear teal on my toes for you Melissa. Whether I win the polish or not. Praying for you always! Stay strong!
Did it not post the first time?? I will have to go out tomorrow to purchase teal polish!! I lost my grandma 20 years ago to this cancer--and I've lived through so many "scares" they took mine out 3 years ago---so I'm all over this teal toes!!! In your honor, Melissa, I will be painting my toes teal as soon as I find some!
Elizabeth Frick said…
I love this idea! And as soon as I hit "publish" on my comment, I'm going to the link you posted & I'm learning more about ovarian cancer. Thank you, Melissa!
KrisJ said…
OMG I have my teal toes on right now!!! Love the toes pic, how fun is that and a great way to bring attention to the cause and awareness!
Lindsey Carney said…
Hollynn and I will have to paint our toenails teal! Well, if she can keep hers out of her mouth :)
I rarely paint my toes but would gladly do it for the month. Pick me. Trust me, people will notice and I will be able to tell lots of people about it.
Susan said…
Haha, AND it's lymphoma month in Canada! Guess both our cancers are in the spotlight for us :) I've actually got a bottle of teal at home that I haven't used yet. I will paint my toes for you!

Also, CONGRATS on your last day of chemo.
What a neat idea! I will definitely paint my toes teal for September!! They are currently purple, so teal is definitely no biggie! ;) lol Hope you're feeling well. Been praying for you!!
Vanessa said…
I will happily paint my toes teal for you!
Kelly said…
Melissa! You have been on my heart alot latley! Painting my nails it is! LOVE Shannon Miller (like I still think I have her poaster on my wall at my parents house!), no idea!!!
Sara said…
Bugga and I are in! Will happily participate! I too had no idea about this..I had no idea this was Ovarian Cancer Month or about teal toes or about Shannon Miller. Thanks for the encouragement to increase awareness! ♥
Anonymous said…
My daughter and I will paint our toes teal! :)
That is so cute and a great idea!! I want teal toes too!
Shawna Taylor said…
My girls have been asking me to paint all our toes so we will definitely have to do them all teal for the month of September!
What a COOL way to promote awareness! I never knew that it was Ovarian Cancer Month, but you bet my toes will be blue this month (I love blue toes anyways!!) I will even paint Adelyn's toes if I can get her to stay still long enough! Thank you for sharing!
Nikki said…
Melissa, I had no idea and my aunt had ovarian cancer also! Whether I win or not, I'll be getting some teal polish and Destiny and I will be painting fools this weekend!
You are in my thoughts all the time and I hope you are feeling better! <3
Kari said…
what an awesome idea! I was just thinking today about what color I was going to have my toes done. And seeing as I just found out I was adopted (found out in March) & my biological mother had ovarian cancer.

I appreciate the chance to win & hope you are able to overcome this obstacle!
Anonymous said…
Hi. Being recently diagnosed, having surgery, and starting my chemo all in 3 months time, I started the "google" madness and found tealtoes.org. I have rallied my friends & family whose love & support saw me thru breast cancer in 2005. We are now painting nails teal and carrying our bottles of polish with us to share on the spot. As the website says, wear it for the cure " teal the cows come home.". Pam
Anonymous said…
Hi. Being recently diagnosed, having surgery, and starting my chemo all in 3 months time, I started the "google" madness and found tealtoes.org. I have rallied my friends & family whose love & support saw me thru breast cancer in 2005. We are now painting nails teal and carrying our bottles of polish with us to share on the spot. As the website says, wear it for the cure " teal the cows come home.". Pam
Renee T. said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Renee T. said…
Just wanted to say that I love that Teal Toes is raising awareness of ovarian cancer.
-- Renee :)
(sorry- this might have accidentally posted twice in the comment section)
Becky said…
I didn't know it was Ovarian Cancer Month, but would love to paint my toes teal! Stay strong!
You know what?!?! I'm going to get a pedicure ASAP for this.

I remember when you first got your diagnosis and I started reading up on Ovarian Cancer, Doug had to take the computer away from me I was so distraught. But remember... those bad statistics?! You're NOT going to be one of them! I just don't think your army of supporters would allow it!!
Amy said…
First of all, please don't enter me in the giveaway since I won the last one, but I am going to buy some teal polish and paint my toenails! I had no idea there was an ovarian cancer month or about teal being the color. I love Shannon Miller. I remember watching her in the olympics in 1996, I think. She was my favorite gymnast! (And, oh yeah, I so wish we could have a playdate so you could squeeze Lukas's cheeks and get some of his sugar! Why don't we live closer?)
I already have several shades of teal polish, it's my fave. I will be painting my toes today. and I just read the letter from the president declaring the month.
I hope you're doing well. xox
scvelez said…
My daughter and I would gladly paint our toes teal!
Angie said…
Painted my toes last night in honor of you!! Not my usual color but I need to try new colors. :-) Kylee loves it though!!
Jodi said…
Just got my toes painted TEAL in your honor! Praying for you often!!
Valorie Wibbens said…
OH FOR SURE! Painting my toes teal right NOW! Think of you often, btw.....much love and hugs!
Shannon said…
I had no idea that it was ovarian cancer month, or that teal was it's official color! Thanks for giving me the awareness. I have a fabulous shade of teal and it seems I'll be painting my toes this weekend!
allison said…
Love that you are doing this to increase awareness about Ovarian cancer. I will be painting my toes teal FOR SURE!!! :)
leKappy said…
I have China Glaze For Audrey (baby teal? LOL)on right now as it happens... very cool! I'll happily keep it on all month!

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