Scenes from the Soccer Field
So I may not have apologized yesterday about the number of pictures, but I am definitely going to today. Because coughcoughthirtycoughcough just might be excessive. And probably my family will be the only ones who look at all of them. But I don't care. :)
By the way, we completely lost and did not even score a goal yet again. Rory tried really, really hard. This team was head and shoulders bigger than we are, way more coordinated than 4 year olds should be and their coach kept their A team in the entire game. Even after scoring some 15 goals. Oh, well. Rory still enjoyed herself.

Which way is the goal again?

Notice her position in this picture.

Notice how she passed the girl next to her? No, I am not competitive at all.

Not sure where the other team is.

Oh, wait. There they are. See how much bigger they are?

You'll notice she almost always runs with her mouth open. Either that or her tongue hanging out.

I'm not sure she likes soccer.

I have absolutely no idea what this is about.

This would be towards the end of the game when she had played nearly the entire time and was a little tired of watching the other team score.

Apparently choking on our loss.

I didn't really intend to share this one, but Rory saw it and said, "why did you take a picture of that guy's booty?" So I'm sharing.

One of my favorites from the day.

Oh, wait. Maybe this one is. She's graceful, right? LOL

The tunnel. Their favorite part of the day.

And one more time through. Notice the red face. She played hard!

I promise to keep the soccer pictures to a minimum from now on because I'm fairly certain I've exceeded my limit.
(And yes, I covet your new lens) ;-)