Snow pictures

Yesterday we decided that we must escape the house in order to alleviate some of the cabin fever in the Lewis household. The Lewis kiddos were in desperate need of a change of scenery and the Lewis parents were in desperate need of some whine-free, toy-free, question-free time. We dropped the kids off at Gram and Gramp's house for a couple of hours while Brian and I went to Walmart and Sam's. Not usually somewhere I'd choose for a date, but we were in crazy need of groceries and anything outside of house felt like a date.

By the way, we're currently experiencing Snow Day #4. And I am currently experiencing possibly the most impatience with my children since becoming a mother. Okay, pulling it together here.

Before the impatience set in earlier this week, I took advantage of the snow and a super cute hat made by Aunt Jessica to take some pictures. I figure it's entirely possible we'll never see snow again once we move to Texas so I should take advantage of snow and cute photo accessories while I can.

I should warn you there are alot of pictures. I can't help it. I want to plaster my walls with her face. Instead, I'll plaster the blog with her face.

My personal favorite.
rory snow 1

I actually entered this one in the iheartfaces Smile challenge. Seriously. I can't help myself.
rory snow 2

rory snow 3

rory snow 5

Another favorite
rory snow 6

Brian was behind her and asked for a kiss. And, yes, it's just possible those lips are not quite au naturale. What can I say. She asked for "wip gwoss."
rory snow 7

And feeling slightly guilty there is only one of Camden.
camden snow 2
All of the settings for these pics are the same: f2.2, ISO 250, and 1/640 SS.
Happy Thursday!


Amanda said…
ADORABLE!!! I love them alll but especially the one with the lip gloss.
The puckered lips is adorable! Love it. And, Camden found his hat!
Brenda Lewis said…
I'm sorry and I maybe a "little" prejudice but she is just so cute. She is so photogenic and you are so good with the camera. Looks like someone could make some income here(?}!!
Elizabeth Frick said…
My GOODNESS your kids are photogenic!!! No wonder you won the i heart faces :)

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