
Before Rory came home, I dreamed of a girly girl. After Rory came home, I dreamed of a girly girl. And now I have a girly girl who plays in the dirt.
f2.8, ISO 500, 1/400 SS


I love this aspect of Rory's personality! And really, one of your kids had to be dirt-friendly, right?!

(I will not ask how you processed this... but suffice it to say, I love it!)
Joy said…
Just like I dreamed of the little girl with the long, thick hair... ; ). Our girlies are perfect just the way they are - and cute too!
Elizabeth Frick said…
I LOOOOVE a girl who isn't girly! Which is ironic since we have two girls. Send her up to play with us! We have no fear of dirt around here :)

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