Happy New Year

2010 was my first attempt at Project 365 and even though I almost gave up in September and there are a few missing photos for October/November, I'm very pleased that I continued. Because of all the transition and busyness our family is going to experience in 2011, I think it's even more important that I try to document each day in some way because I'm fairly certain scrapbook pages are going to be at the bottom of my "to do" list at least part of the year as we move to Texas.

Here's the first picture of the year: Rory with her new closed-mouth smile and a new Ironman tattoo.


Elizabeth Frick said…
so. stinkin'. sassy. (and cute, of course) :)
I'm considering doing a 52 project... all because you have inspired me. We'll see if it actually happens. Two days in, and I have two photos. Off to a great start, no?!

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