Summer Weather

We've skipped spring and gone straight through to summer with temperatures in mid-80's the last 2 days. The kids both loved it the first day. The second day Camden decided he'd had enough of "summer" and was ready for winter to come back. Rory cries every time we have to go inside. They're both turning brown already while I follow them around with the camera (I swear we may not survive this photography class and my quest for the right pictures for each assignment) and sweat.

A little sidewalk chalk

Some running around
A little pouting at "bwudder" not wanting to play with her
Alot of baseball
She's trying really hard to play like Camden
Chasing Camden back to home plate

Gina Miller: April BYOC


Elizabeth Frick said…
Don't you just LOVE warmer weather after the loooong winter?!
I can only imagine what photos you are turning in... everything you are posting is AMAZING! and to comment here instead of the other post YOU DON'T HAVE THE MOST ADORABLE 3 YEAR OLD since I have the most adorable 4 year old! LOL =) Amazing pictures!
Krista said…
What amazing photos! I think it is great that you all love baseball.

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