Manic Monday

I feel like the last few weeks have flown by, and I'm not sure what I've accomplished. Between revival and extra church things, baseball practice, multiple dentist appointments, baseball games, lunch date with friends, play date with friends, watching other people's kids play baseball, etc. etc., I'm a little out of sorts. I haven't spent as much time focusing on my kids or house the way I need to because everything else is getting in the way (including photography and scrapping, which are my own selfish choices).

Today I spent the last 5 hours going to 3 different grocery stores and running around desperately trying to find dark dress pants, white dress shirt and a tie for Camden. Have you ever tried to find these particular clothing items in late spring? For a 6 year old? Let me just say that no one has pants or long sleeved dress shirts around. And don't get me started on the fact that I had less than a week's notice about getting these items for Camden's kindergarten graduation pictures. You know, the kindergarten graduation pictures that I will probably not even buy because I can take my own. Not bitter at all about this. Not at all. I actually ended up buying a pair of pants at Sears with pleats in them. I despise pleated pants, but not only were they the only pair of pants I found, they were definitely the only pair of size 7 slim pants to be found.

Okay, rant over. Moving on.

So, even though this morning was very busy, the rest of the week should be pretty calm. Camden has a baseball game tonight, but then we're back to a regular schedule for a while, and I'm looking forward to catching up on things around here.

A few things about the weekend:

  • My lunch with friends Friday was SO fun (and yummy!). We ate at Five Guys Burgers, and it was delicious. I'm talking real beef and someone had made that patty with their own two hands. :) The best part was all the laughs, though.
  • We had "fend for yourself" supper Friday night, put the kids to bed early and watched The Blind Side. While it didn't quite live up to the hype, it was good, and I shed tears more than once.
  • Saturday morning was a comedy of errors that I won't go into but involved lots of running back and forth because of a forgetful mom and dad as well as a couple of hours at the ball field. We most definitely did not win. I think our coach summed it up best when after spending a few minutes looking over the stats trying to find someone to give the game ball to, he said, "The game ball goes to someone who. . ." Long pause. ". . . had a hit and got on base."
  • When I hugged Camden goodnight Saturday, I realized he was burning up with fever. The fever last until Sunday afternoon, and he seems fine. I can tell you the exact moment he started to feel better: he started whistling (which is his favorite past-time and drives the rest of us almost to insanity) and he started describing in excruciating detail the superman cartoon he was watching.
We watched two older boys from church play baseball last week and they were both pitchers. Guess what Camden has been doing ever since.

I took advantage of a 40% coupon and bought Rory's first Tea Collection dress.
Think she likes it?

P.S. Do you see this girl's arms and legs? If she weren't 3, I'd swear she has actual muscles.


Elizabeth Frick said…
Love the Tea dress, of course.
Grr about Camden's last minute outfit needs :( Rant away!
Wow. I'm tired just reading all that you have been up to. Wow!

And, I *love* 5guys! YUM!
Okay ... why do you need a photography class? LOL these photos look GREAT!!!

OMG that dress is adorable... where did you get it! I really need to clean out Bella's dressers and closet so I can start buying new stuff! =)

Can't believe how much more serious baseball at a young age is for you guys... t-ball here we don't even keep score. Keep the pictures coming!

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