
If you're a long-time blog reader, you'll remember that every spring I get the bright idea that I should be more energy efficient and take advantage of the clothesline in our back yard. It usually only lasts a couple of weeks when the energy it takes to actually hang all those clothes up, plus get them back inside, plus the heat and humidity get the best of me and decide to rejoin the 21st century and use the dryer. Yesterday I decided it was worth it to hang the jeans outside. We'll see how long my energy efficient push lasts. My guess is that it'll be over by the time May arrives.


I'm chuckling since I considered hanging a load of laundry yesterday... then decided that it wasn't worth the stress of wrangling Spencer at the same time! ;-)
my dad has always loved towels from the clothesline..
One very big memory I have of my granma H is being outside with her while she hung up or took down clothes off the clothesline!
Melissa L. said…
I used to love helping my Mom hang clothes out on the clothesline. :) There are days when I wish our subdivision would allow us to have a clothesline - there is nothing like the smell of air dried towels ... but, we're not allowed. :(
joelsgirl said…
I'm pretty sure with an attitude like that, you'll be lucky to last till May. ;)
Elizabeth Frick said…
Why are clothesline photos so deliciously romantic? sigh...
Anonymous said…
Love the picture. Reminds me of past clothesline days. Hoping to have one again.

Maybe the weather will cooperate so you can enjoy a few more days of "hanging out"!

Krista said…
Good luck! I'm dying to get my new clothesline - I've been waiting for one for years. Matt doesn't think I'll stick with it though...
Tracy said…
I sowish we could have a clothes line in our development.. but no.. HOA says so.

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