What I Knew Then and Now

I've had these pages in my head almost since we arrived home and have jotted notes down, and while they're not as good as I'd like, I'm leaving them because I've worried over them enough! The first page is What I Knew Then and uses a picture from the day we met Rory and the second is What I Know Now and uses a picture at one month with us.


Anonymous said…

My husband and I are currently in the waiting process, adopting from Korea. I came across the link to your blog from one of the web forums. I just love your scrap pages...very creative! I'm new to scrapbooking and want to ask you if these are paper pages that you've taken pictures of or are you digiscrapping? Any advice for a new scrapper would be great to hear! Thank you!! Sarah
chelle belle said…
Oh my goodness! I agree with Sara! Your pages are beautiful, but your words to your daughter are even more so! She is just such a beauty! Her eyes are simply captivating! What a treasure collection of memories you are making for her!

Keela said…
Fabulous layout, Melissa! I love how REAL and honest you are. God bless! ;)
Wendy said…
So beautiful!! You will treasure these always and forever!!

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