
The last couple of days have not been particularly exciting or fun. I caught Rory's cold, and she is still getting over her cold and has been pretty cranky. She is sleeping much better at night, but is taking much longer to put to sleep, which is tiring. I've even resorted to carrying her walking around the house trying to get her to FINALLY go to sleep. I'm not sleeping at all, which is ridiculous! Camden was up at 5:00 this morning and also woke us up at 2:00 because he wanted to tell us good night (again). Maybe one of these days we'll all be on the same schedule.

We have a busy day today. I'm heading to the post office (finally mailing your Korean stuff, Melissa!) then to the doctor for Rory's 18 month check-up, then to Gymboree to redeem Gymbucks. Hopefully the doctor's appointment won't include shots, but we'll see.

A new milestone for Rory is she can get up on the couch all by herself! She is also finally starting to call me Omma or Mama. It's taken 6 weeks, but she's now doing it fairly consistently the last 2-3 days. She's been calling Camden and Brian almost since we got home. She also has the slow eye blink down when she stares at you while you're telling her "no" and she has no intention of listening. I remember Camden doing the same thing.

Here's one page using a picture I took on Tuesday (look for lots of pictures from that little photo shoot). This is her "smooch" face.


Amanda said…
That picture is priceless. Great page! Hope you are able to get more sleep soon!
I'm so sorry you're not getting any sleep! That makes it so hard to function the next day! I always need loads of coffee to survive a bad night!

I am so wanting to do pics of your family! Rory needs to be my little cover girl! I just think she's just the cutest little thing! I'm done babysitting at the beginning of June & then I am making a Nashville trip. It's been too long since I've been down there!

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