I'm sore!

I walked for almost an hour last night with Mayme and Shelly and then again first thing this morning, and I'm feeling it. That big hill gets me every time! It apparently wears Rory out as well since she's been asleep for the last 1.5 hours.

We're going to Nashville to have lunch with my (former) work group. I'm very excited! Hopefully, Rory will be a little angel and enjoy the conversation and restaurant as well.

I got the best mail yesterday. Jaime sent me a box jam packed of the cutest goodies for Rory as well as something for Camden. One of the items was this pink tutu. Rory oohhed and aahhed over it, but when I tried to put it on her, she didn't like the feel of it. . . . . .until she saw herself in the mirror, and then she beamed! I ran her outside and took some pictures and just LOVE them! I snapped about 20 cute ones in about 60 seconds and with no posing help from me!


Angie said…
I love the pictures!!! You have to be sure and bring that for her photo shoot!
MEI said…
She is just so darn cute. I laughed out loud when I saw those pictures. They are just perfect!!
Jaime said…
Awwww she looks so cute in it!! I am so glad that she likes it :) Love the new page too, have fun in Nashville!
Amanda said…
I love the pictures. She is an absolute doll already but those "tutu' pictures are just gorgeous. That is going to make one great scrapbook page!
omg she is sooo cute and love her "posing" and expressions!!!!

keep those pictures coming!!!

I want to see more...just two!?
oh my goodness that is so cute!
Wendy said…
ADORABLE photos!!!! What a cutie patootie!

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