Still Sick

Well, I caved yesterday and went to the doctor and just as suspected, there's nothing they can do. Poor baby is soooo miserable, though. We've had two nights of little-to-no sleep, she won't leave my lap, and SCREAMS if anyone looks at her or dares touch her. Fun times.

We let Camden watch Swiss Family Robinson last night, so he's been playing "pirates" all morning. We have rarely let him watch anything non-animated so he was quite excited to see it and wants to watch it again this afternoon. We watched the old 1960's version, and it was interesting to see how differently they portrayed women especially. All Camden cared about were the tigers and mean pirates.

Hope your weekend is better than ours!


Jaime said…
Awww poor baby and mommy, hope she feels better soon and you all get some good sleep tonight!
Anonymous said…
She's so cute, even when she's sick, but I really hope you get some much needed sleep and that Rory is well soon. Poor baby girl and poor sleepy mommy!!!

(anniebuster Holt BB)

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