Tuesday's Tidbits

I sat down to blog this morning and realized I had not collected any Tuesday Tidbits for this past week. Camden and Rory's cute factor must be going down. ;)

Not possible, right?

Over the weekend I added up all the time I spent driving Monday - Friday this past week (a very standard week, I might add). 685 minutes. 11.42 hours. Seriously. I'm not kidding when I say it's like a part-time job just getting our family to and from everywhere we need to go.

Now that I have an iPhone, I've found a good way to help pass time when I'm in the car. Podcasts! Any favorites you want to link me up to? I've had a good time catching up on The Digi Show.

I blogged about fall at The Lilypad yesterday.

On today's agenda is switching out summer clothes with our fall wardrobe. Which absolutely guarantees that the temperatures will shoot back into the 90's.

Just for kicks, here's a look at a picture from exactly a year ago. Are my kids beautiful or what. I love their black, shiny eyes. (and boo to the missing eyelashes and eyebrows for me!)

I can't share the page I scrapped yesterday, but here's one I finished last week. These are pictures from about 2 weeks before my surgery/diagnosis and I look at them and they kind of take my breath away when I remember how carefree those days were compared to our life now. So strange.

Sahlin Studio: Grandma's Dresser


Wow! What a walk down memory lane here...
Rory is a hoot with those glasses! Love her spunk!
Amy said…
Rory in those glasses: so hilarious and adorable! That many hours in the car each week? WOW! Even though I don't listen very often, I usually enjoy Nancy Leigh DeMoss' Revive Our Hearts podcast.
I recommend "This American Life" for a great podcast. I never get to listen to the full hour and I always mean to download the podcast, then I never do.
Anonymous said…
Max Lucado has a podcast.

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