Monday, Monday

I'm feeling the pressure to blog (my husband always worries about me if there's not a blog post waiting for him to read during his lunch), but I seem to have a lack of blog material. Not surprising since I spent most of the last 3 days on the couch feeling the effects of chemo. I woke up feeling pretty good this morning, and I've been enjoying this rare morning home alone. It's been weeks since I was able to actually drop the kids off at school and then come home by myself. Between helping out with Addison, house sitting, Labor Day trip, chemo, Neulasta shots, haircuts, soccer practices and games, plus all the regular grocery shopping and house upkeep, I am wondering where all that quiet time I was hoping for has gone!

Friday night Rory spent the night at Gram Gramp's house while we introduced Camden to his first Harry Potter movie. He. was. smitten. I think I mentioned before that I read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone to him over the summer. He then proceeded to read it twice more on his own in about a week's time. He requested Pioneer Woman's chicken ranch sandwiches for supper. I raised the stakes and added in this marshmallow popcorn (that was totally amazing). Brian and I both actually dozed off during the movie (we've seen it multiple times). Brian's snoring woke up me, and I thought I better pull myself together in case Camden got scared during some of the more tense moments. We all know there's no waking Brian up once he's fallen asleep in front of a movie!

Saturday was Rory's second soccer game on a very, very gray morning. The teams tied, but Rory had a great goal. I wish I'd kept my camera out because she ran right back to the coach, and he grabbed her and threw her above his head. Nope, didn't have the camera out for that cute moment.

Since when did my baby get big enough to hold a baby?


What I really should be doing on this rainy morning in which I actually have no prior commitments is laundry and cleaning house, but instead I'm going to settle myself in to scrap a page and then make my favorite pumpkin bread for the kid's breakfast tomorrow.

Happy Monday!


Amy said…
Mornings at home are wonderful! Mmm, pumpkin bread sounds so good. I might have to do some baking now too!
Vicky said…
I've been dragging these past few days too- and I never think that I should since I technically don't have "chemo," just Herceptin. But it must accumulate and considering its been a year and half maybe I have reason to be a tad tired :) Pumpkin bread sounds heavenly right now- had my first pumpkin spiced latte of the season, last week!

Your kids leave me with a huge grin every single time!
Sounds like a great little morning to me! I'm behind on life too... and totally blew off my day today. What was I thinking?! I'll be sorry tomorrow! ;-)
you most definitely deserve the REST... the laundry can wait =) go scrap or lay on the couch... soon enough there will must do things! =)

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