Someone is Turning 6 Today

Today is Rory's 6th birthday. (How did my kids get so old so fast?)

I took her outside last night after supper, and here are the results of our 2 minute photoshoot. If you can't tell, she was more than a little hyped up on not one, but two chocolate cupcakes with marshmallow buttercream. And pink sprinkles.









(Clearly, I like to shoot with the subject on my right. I never notice these things until they're finished and uploaded to the blog.)

Funny story. I made cupcakes for Rory to take with her to school yesterday (their school is actually out today and tomorrow), and on the way to school, she gave me everyone's requests. Yes, she had been taking cupcake requests in her Kindergarten class. One girl wanted no icing, one wanted icing but no sprinkles. Someone else didn't like chocolate. I am not kidding - she had specific requests from kids in her class. If you know me at all, you know that I did not do custom requests. ;) She was lucky to actually get homemade cupcakes that were both delicious *and* pretty. I do not have a good track record when baking for a special occasion.

Happy Birthday, Big Girl!


Monica said…
These are adorable!!!! I love the photo shoots you do with her and Camden. I need be more intentional about that with my crew.
Renee T. said…
I *LOVE* that she was taking cupcake special requests.....and I love that you did not honor the special requests ;)

These pics are awesome--Happy Birthday to beautiful Rory!
Monica said…
Special requests for cupcakes...I'm absolutely speechless! My mouth is still hanging open on that one.
And I ditto Renee's comment above.
KrisJ said…
Happy Happy Birthday to that gorgeous girl!! Love the pics, she is truely just so stunning! And so funny about the requests! What a nice mom.. home made does not happen here!
Vicky said…
Oh she is a hoot- that cracks me up so much :) I wish we could bake our treats! But our school not only did away with homemade treats, we can only bring a healthy "snack," on birthdays. Somehow, carrot sticks, don't scream Happy Birthday to me!

Cannot get over her poses! Happy Birthday Rory!!
Shelly said…
Happy Birthday!! She is so beautiful!! Wish we lived closer so our girls could be friends! :)
Amanda said…
Beautiful photos and Happy Birthday to Rory!! Hope ya'll have a wonderful day!
Unknown said…
Happy Birthday beautiful Rory :)
Special requests has me stunned! That is priceless! Beautiful pictures, as always.
Norman said…
Enjoy a 6th BD celebration with the beautiful BD girl.What did she request for her party? ;)

Amy said…
Happy Birthday to your beautiful girl!!
Lori! said…
I'm still not sure how she can get cuter. But then you post more fantastic photos and she IS cuter!!! Happy Birthday Rory!!!
OH. MY. GOSH. These are freaking FANTASTIC!!! I love them. And I love that Rory was taking cupcake orders... too sweet and funny.

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