Thousand Gifts 601-648
So Brian was a brave, brave man and took kids camping yesterday. He has always taken Camden camping for his birthday; it was kind of their little thing and they both looked forward to it all year long. Rory was ECSTATIC to discover that she was going to get her own trip this year. Well, our summer plans ended up revolving around chemo schedules, hospital visits, etc. and the trips just didn't happen. When we finally did get one trip on the schedule, we decided that it would be best to combine the two birthdays, and Camden and Rory both seemed happy with that. Rory vacillated between being wildly excited about being included on Brian and Camden's trip and upset that she had to leave me.
Here's a quick picture before they took off yesterday. After 2 hours worth of packing while the kids fought, argued, jumped up and down with joy and basically annoyed the heck out of him, I think he might have been second guessing the trip. I talked to all 3 of them last night, though, and they were having a good time. Camden's favorite thing was playing in the fire (of course) and Rory was pretty excited about having her own flashlight.
Right before they left. Brian looks tired already.

My plans for today were supposed to include bloodwork and a dentist's appointment, but I made an executive decision to postpone my bloodwork until tomorrow so I could enjoy my quiet morning. After my dentist's appointment, I get to go to lunch with Michael and Liz and then off to their ultrasound appointment to see if I'm going to be Aunt Melissa to a baby boy or baby girl. I'm rooting for a girl, but they're both rooting for a boy. We'll see what happens!
601. a much shorter time in the chemo room
602. seeing Barbara on her last chemo day
603. Verses found on Becky's blog
604. Joshua 21:45 "Not one of the good promises which the Lord made to Israel failed: all came to pass."
605. Joshua 23:10 "...for the Lord your God is he who fights for you, just as He promised."
606. Joshua 23:24 "...and you know in all your hearts and in all your souls that not one word of all the good words which the Lord your God spoke concerning you has failed; all have been fulfilled for you, not one of them has failed."
607. Time alone that allows me to rest without worrying about Camden and Rory
608. that Camden's fever only lasted one night
609. the sight of Camden curled up in bed with his blanket and giraffe
610. for sisters
611. my newly found joy (and very surprising) in exercise
612. peace and quiet
613. polka dot pillows
614. purple hair feathers
615. everything fallish
616. a-ha moments in photography
617. Peaches from Dr. W's office
618. boxes of chocolate that arrive in the mail
619. Brian's calming presence
620. pumpkin bread
621. hope
622. moments of joy that seep in even in the midst of sad days
623. official soccer games on a cold fall morning
624. unofficial soccer games in our front yard
625. having the windows open
626. caramel apple candles
627. What Women Fear Bible study
628. Acts 17:26-28 "And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and have our being."
629. fall break
630. sleeping in, even when it's not quite planned
631. spending the afternoon with friends taking pictures
632. little girls in smocked dresses
633. frosties on a Friday night with the family (after a lovely fall walk)
634. 3 day weekends
635. friends who drop by
636. chocolate covered fruit 637. rootbeer in a glass bottle
638. cookout with family and friends
639. driving down a country road with the windows down. . .
640. . . . alone. . .
641. . . . and no hair to get tangled from the wind
642. the excitement radiating out of a certain 8 year old and 5 year old who live in this house
643. for a daddy who will take them camping. . .
644. . . . and let me stay home and enjoy the quiet
645. for a 5 year old that still misses me when I'm not around at bedtime
646. Psalm 46:1-3 " God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling. Selah"
647. a good night's sleep
648. waking up to a quiet morning alone