I was reading through my Sunday School lesson this morning (okay, actually it was the one from several weeks ago because I'm completely behind), and it was talking about community using the scripture in I Corinthians 12 regarding community/church and how we need everyone working together to further the cause of Christ. How everyone has different gifts and can be used in different ways.
Well, last week my in-laws (who also happen to be the pastor and pastor's wife of our church) kept the kids for us Thursday and Friday as well as brought us two meals. Yesterday afternoon I found a new scarf a fellow adoptive mom had knitted for me as well as several cards with words of encouragement in my mailbox. Last night Brenda and Christie brought me two of my favorite things: a fall candle and Starbucks gift card. Today Mayme is taking me to chemo so I don't have to drive myself home. Amanda is taking Camden home with her since I'll be at chemo and unable to pick him up from school. Elizabeth is taking Camden to school Wednesday and Thursday and Andrea is bringing him home from school Wednesday and Thursday. One of Brian's co-workers is bringing us supper tonight, and Andrea is bringing us supper Thursday. I think I'm surrounded by community of people living out I Corinthians 12, what do you think?
While I can find many things wrong with this picture from a photography perspective, I can also find many things right with this picture: that after a really hard week we're still together, we're still smiling, and there's still joy in our eyes.
