Age 5 = Silliness

I remember this well with Camden. He turned 5 and almost immediately turned into a silly  monster. It must be an age thing because Rory has been 5 for exactly 1 month, and she has turned up the silliness factor big time. Big, open-mouthed grins, giggles that won't stop, cracking herself up over and over again. Dressing in knee socks with no pants and pulling out the cheerleading pom poms. :)



Chris said…
I need one of those "Hooray 4 Saturdays" shirts for myself! :D
silly and CUTE!!!!!
Amy said…
Those pictures are oozing silliness and adorableness! I can tell that girl knows how to have a good time! :)
Mom to 8 said…
Just found your blog today & I know you don't know us, but we too are in TN, in fact we are just 13 miles from Vanderbilt. We have 5/8 still at home, all adopted & I homeschool, so we are usually home. We lost our oldest daughter to cancer 8 yrs. ago, so can understand some of what you are going through. You & your family will be in our thoughts & prayers. If you ever need someone to care for the kids while you are at Vandy, we would be more than happy to watch them. We have just over 5 acres for the kids to run and play. Our kids at home are 13 1/2, 13, 8 1/2, 8 & 5. Our 4 daughters at home are from China & our son at home is from Guatemala.
Isaiah 40:31 is a verse I read a lot when we were going through our daughters cancer & it is still one I turn to often.
Blessings, Kim
Annie B. said…
Love the photos! The Bloomers are so cute! Do they belong to a GAP dress?
Renee T. said…
Loving the knee-socks!
:) renee
Louise said…
That beautiful -fun filled Rory will be 6ft. tall. Look at those long well developed legs. How lucky those two children are to have you and Brian
Krista said…
Yeah! Looks like 5's are a hit!
Joy said…
I got the giggles just looking at the pictures! Silly girl! : )
KrisJ said…
OMGOSH!! I love these so so much! What a doll!! And girl I love you and you are in my prayers! You are a fighter, an amazing woman, your faith is amazing and I believe in you! Hope you have a fun trip!!!
I {heart} Rory! This is awesome! But really, it gets sillier than it is now?! Oh my, I may need to start preparing for that NOW!

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