Friday Photo Dump

Thanks for all the emails and Facebook messages over the past few days. I apologize for not commenting on every single one. You guys overwhelm me (in the best possible way) with your persistent and intentional encouragement.

We've had very dreary, cold, rainy days yesterday and today so Rory and I have spent lots of time curled up on the couch reading and watching The Food Network. Yes, it is possible for Chopped to take your mind off cancer.

Bright and early tomorrow morning we're flying to Dallas to spend a couple of days with our Clearview friends. It may seem like an odd time for a trip, but I actually think it's a great opportunity to spend time with friends and get away. I'm having a few new chemo side effects and would appreciate your prayers that they would not hinder our trip in any way.

And here are a few pictures from the week. I haven't had the camera out nearly often enough. I always forget how hard it is to make the transition to indoor, poorly lit pictures when the weather changes.

Camden working on his first book report. Our schedule has been a little crazy the past 2 weeks, and we managed to have him wait until the very last night to get it done.

And Rory has some kind of Halloween dog she's painting while Camden labors away on his book report.

When Rory plays outside on her own, you can almost guarantee that she'll not only have her Dr. Seuss backpack on, but her baby will be on her shoulder.

Notice Rory is wearing shorts in this picture from Monday, and our high may not reach 50 today. :)

Have a great weekend!


Renee T. said…
Have a great weekend in Dallas!
:) Renee
Mandy said…
Have a great trip! My Molly is the same way outside she always has a bag and her baby!
Joy said…
Have a great trip to Texas! Praying you feel great! (It always feels great to get outta town awhile anyway, right?). Safe travels and have fun!

Really missing that crazy fall Tennessee weather. : (. Send a few more warm days our way - lol!
Have a safe trip! Praying that you will feel great!
Amy said…
Hope you have an amazing trip to Dallas! I would love to see the Wrights and Betts'! We miss them so much! Can't wait to hear all about the trip. I'll be praying that you feel well and are able to enjoy every minute!
Anonymous said…
Your children are both so beautiful and you always take such amazing photos of them. Have a safe and fun trip!
Hope the weekend is filled with lots of fun and very little distractions from your new side affects!!

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