One Year Later

I happened to run across this picture Monday afternoon and realized that it was from exactly one year ago on October 3.


I looked out the window, realized that the same fall decorations were up in front of church and decided I should really pull out my camera.

Which leads me to this.


I felt compelled to include this one.

This one was actually an accident, but it doesn't look accidental which I love.

And since she thought Camden might possibly be getting more attention, she asked for her picture to be taken as well. Love the sparkle in her eyes. Even love the hair over her face.


Anonymous said…
Your kids are so photogenic! I love looking at all the pictures you take of them! Thanks for sharing!!!
Kathy (loveourboys, Holt BB)
what a great idea--they are even cuter a year later!
So cute! Rory is a handful of cute, isn't she?? I can see her being a tiny bit of a diva, maybe, too! Love it!
Joy said…
To quote Rory - "E-dorable!!" : )

And I'm still jealous you can actually get your kids to pose for you. ; )
Lori! said…
Camden doesn't even look like the same kiddo!!! He has grown SO much!!! What a great comparison!!
Vicky said…
I love the happy accidents, that I am convinced just aren't accidents at all. A whole splendid year, from fall to fall, and that is a wonderful gift all in its own- the pictures are just pure bonus!
KrisJ said…
Holy good job lady!! They look gorgeous!! Where did you get that shirt on Rory.. love it!

LOVE those the 1 year later!
Elizabeth Frick said…
the cutest!
Anonymous said…
Hi Melissa, it's Kathy Aylward from photography class dropping in to say I'm thinking about you with your treatment. Also your photos of your kids are absolutely awesome and I love the superman was adopted tshirts...Love the yearly comparsions as you don't notice them growing unless you look back at a photo. Stay safe. Katy
Joanna B said…
Look how little they were! Camden looks so grown up now, and Rory is so beautiful. :-)
Janet said…
These are simply beautiful! I wish you lived closer...I'd TOTALLY hire you to take our family photos. Wow!
Krista said…
aww! they are growing up!
Love love love the then and now! And seriously... I'm with Joy. Can your kids explain to my kiddo why it pays to pose?!
Grace said…
love this! especially the spontaneity of it all! both of your kids have sparkly eyes...just gorgeous!

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