Fields of Faith

I am starting to feel the effects of a very full week and 3 nights in a row of very little sleep. We have had a great week, very busy, and the weekend is looking full as well with two photo shoots, date night with Brian, Rory's soccer game, fall festival at Camden's school, a circus (actually going to one, not describing our life), church, and my mom coming into town. I am feeling slightly exhausted just thinking about it, but am also looking forward to all the events. Rory and I were supposed to meet up with a fellow adoptive family at a local pumpkin patch (think of all the photo ops!), but woke up today to a very dreary, cold, and rainy morning. The rain is probably a blessing in disguise since it allows me a quiet morning.

Last night Brian and I took the kids as well as some church kids to a Fields of Faith event sponsored by the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Rory thoroughly enjoyed the music (and Brian and thoroughly enjoyed watching her), but Camden was most impressed with Matt Elrod. For all my fellow Survivor geeks, he's the Matt from last season with Boston Rob. You know, the blonde Christian one who spent the entire month on Redemption Island? You can read a great article about his experience here. (As much as I loved his testimony, the depraved Boston Rob still has my heart. Sorry, Matt.) And I seriously wish I would have brought my camera to document the experience, but I didn't.

What we didn't realize about the event until a little later was how controversial it all was. See, it was held on school property. It was a public event, after hours, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes had done everything correctly and had received the proper permission. However, the director of Cheatham County schools gave an order that the teachers were not allowed to attend because it was a Christian event. Did you get the part about it being after hours and a public event? Are you kidding me? He backed off slightly and gave them "permission" to attend, but they were not to participate in any way. It was the lead story for several local news stations. You can read about it here. Craziness. And, yes, Brian is a Cheatham County teacher, and he definitely attended.

I did take some funny pictures yesterday of Rory, but they're still safely camped out on my camera so you'll have to settle for this layout I scrapped months ago that just debuted on the Daily Digi blog.



Joy said…
First of all - love, love Matt Elrod! Really wanted him to win Survivor not only because he was not afraid to share his faith, but he was the "hometown" boy too. : )

I have been reading about all the craziness going on in Cheatham and Sumner counties with taking prayer "out of schools" and sporting events. I won't get on my soapbox, but it breaks my heart for so many reasons.

Hope you get some rest and enjoy your weekend! Can't wait to see more photo shoots!
Monica said…
I'm thankful Brian exercised his constitutional right to attend. It seems everywhere is being bombarded with such non-sense these days. We actually had a complaint during the county election Tuesday because churches are rented out as election sites, therefore we were "promoting" religion. It's insane! Praying for you this weekend that you'll have the strength to enjoy everything!
Brenda Shearon said…
I was definitely a Matt fan. Whitney who is on Survivor this year is from Nashville. Glad you are able to enjoy all these activities with your family and friends. Get some rest in between all the fun! So glad we have kids and teachers in our community who want to share their faith!
Elizabeth Frick said…
Too. Cool! I can't believe you didn't have your camera!!!
Take it easy, mama. Your schedule sounds so packed! You need a spa day :)
Matt really impressed me a lot on Survivor. How else could anyone survive 29 days on redemption island without a strong faith?
you've got a busy couple of days coming up. Let the iced coffee flow!
Holy cow... You have a busy weekend! Take care of you too, ok??!
Grace said… interesting with all the controversy! i'm so glad you were all able to attend and enjoy this awesome event!

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