
I realize this will sound completely sappy, but do you ever come to the end of a day and just feel blessed? Today was one of those days for me. I woke up feeling so good, something I took for granted a mere 6 months ago. I actually didn't have bags under my eyes for the first time in months (and I am so not kidding when I say that). We went to Rory's soccer game bright and early, enjoyed seeing her team run around like little wild people. A friend stopped by with fruit and chocolate (it doesn't get any better than that) and fun gift cards. Thank you, Linda!

We spent the afternoon at my sister and brother-in-law's house with their family and some dear friends. There was good food, really beautiful weather. I listened to the kids laugh, watched them run, drank some rootbeer from a glass bottle. Even something as simple as watching The Sing-Off while I used the treadmill this evening felt good.

The day was blessed from start to finish.






This makes me happy. You deserve all of these blessings and more!!
Amy said…
Sounds like a perfect day! That fruit looks so yummy!
Annie B. said…
Love that you had an amazing day! You deserve a million more like today!
Krista said…
so glad you had a good day!
Sounds like a bliss-filled day! Love it.

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