An Attempt to Catch Up
Why I feel compelled to post all of these, I'll never know. Feel free to skim or skip all together. Unless you're the grandparents.
Last Saturday Brian took the kids to the fall festival at Camden's school.
Last Saturday Brian took the kids to the fall festival at Camden's school.
For some strange reason, he could not get them to pose with these endearing creatures.

They did, however, play on the inflatables. . .

. . . get their faces painted. Rory started out wanting to get something princess-y, but ended up with a spider on her hand. Go figure.

Monday, Rory stayed with Gram (and later met us for lunch) while mom and I went for bloodwork, grocery shopped, looked at baby clothes for Liz's baby, shopped for jeans, boots, etc. We also got coffee at the new kiosk at the hospital. Imagine my happiness (and surprise) when the hospital coffee lady can make a mean mocha. I actually have a picture of this, but am feeling much too lazy to grab from my phone.
While I had chemo and a doctor's appointment Tuesday Rory played at the park with mom (and I failed to get the pics off her phone). My chemo gift that day from WCES was gift card to Gigi's cupcakes so we went straight from chemo to Gigi's. This was Rory's cupcake - picked solely for the heart on top.

Went straight from Gigi's to Mas Tacos, one of Nashville's first food trucks turned into an actual location. A serious hole in the wall, but I had a fried avocado taco. Need I say more? Actually, I was a little disappointed, but my mom says it was my chemo tastebuds.

Wednesday was my Neulasta shot, shopping at Trader Joe's and Whole Foods. We also had a little glam queen on her hands as Rory played with make-up and nails, her birthday gift from Emma.

Thursday and Friday were spent recovering from chemo from the couch and absolutely no pics to share.
Saturday was Rory's soccer tournament (which wrapped up her season). Notice the coach's wife cheering from the bench. We actually had a good game. Still didn't score a goal or win, but it was a good game.

This is what Camden thought of all the soccer excitement.

Shark Attack!

We played Emma's team. Love her cheesing it up for the camera while the coach carries off another player. Yes, we still lost.

Receiving her participation trophy. Love the look on her face.

Rory and Riley

Still friends even though Emma's team beat us. Twice.

Reward time. Ice cream is almost as good as a trophy.

My favorite one of the day.

Marking almost our last item off the Summer 2010 List: making our own pizzas.

And, finally, Michael and Liz's new bundle of joy. The puppy is going to get them ready for parenthood, I'm sure.

The End.