
Showing posts from January, 2011

Memory Lane Monday

This week's template for Project 365 had a spot for a favorite old memory and I immediately thought of our trip to France. We actually celebrated New Year's Day in France and listened to the fireworks being shot out of the windows above us in Micah and Becky's apartment complex. I decided to go look at the pictures and hello, Memory Lane Monday. :) My one regret from this trip is that we had a little point and shoot camera, and our pics are terrible. Becky had a film camera back then if you can believe it. Technology has come a long way in 6 years! Camden looks fairly miserable in all these pics. Jet lag hit him hard, but I promise he was happy part of the time, just not when the camera was out. I'll apologize in advance for all the pictures, but I know my family will love seeing them. This was on our way out of Geneva - after our 24 hour trip! Same bridge and looking tired. The view from Micah and Becky's apartment. Don't you love all these colors? Prala...

2011 Project 365, Week 4



Rory got a little hair cut yesterday afternoon, and when it was over, she asked the stylist, "But where's the curler?" So Miss Jennifer pulled out the curling iron and "fwipped" her hair. Now, Rory may like playing in the dirt , but if there was ever any doubt that she is also a girly girl, this experience took care of it. She was giddy with excitement over this flip in her hair. I mean, seriously giddy. Take a look. :) I would have liked to take a little time with these pictures, but we were in the middle of downtown and attracting an audience so 60 seconds was about all I had. Like I said, if there were any doubt, it's gone now. I did not even ask her to pose, this was all her. (And you better believe I'm going to be buying a curling iron to "fwip" her hair on a regular basis.) We took advantage of a snow day (with snow melting off) and had a little Lunar New Year outing. Lunch, a new library, a cute donut bakery, and a visit with frien...

Snow Day Scrapping

Playing catch-up with posting my scrapbook pages. Lauren Grier/Jenn Barrette: Every Day Moments Shabby Princess: Sugar Plum Dreams Amy Wolff/Lauren Reid: Thankful Heart Lauren Grier: Happy Happy Pengies

Winter Wonderland

Snow in Tennessee usually isn't all that pretty; mostly because it's not enough to even cover the grass. :) But Tuesday night's crazy rain turned to snow. We got 4-5 inches, and it was so pretty! It was supposed to warm up yesterday, but the weather people were wrong and it stayed cold, which means nothing melted so we stayed home all day, and Brian and Camden are now enjoying Snow Day #8. It was probably our best snow day yet. The kids were sweet together, there was plenty of snow to play in, and we had Snow Cream for snack time. (okay, actually I hate snow cream, but the kids loved it) We did get out and play for a while. The kids had a blast, although once Rory gets cold, she is READY to go in. Rory was throwing snowballs and yelling "boo-yah" which completely cracked me up. Brian got quite a workout hauling the kids around on the sled. I think Camden might be having fun. I don't know what look she was going for, but it's what I got when I aske...

The Reader

I love to read. Seriously love to read. I was one of those kids who would hide a book behind the textbook and read in class. Every trip in the car whether it was 10 minutes or 10 hours long involved a book. My mom and both of my sisters also love to read. When Camden arrived home at 8 months of age, I made it a personal mission to read to him. Over and over and over. Shortly after Camden arrived, Brian went back to school for his education degree and they drove home how important reading to your child was and so Brian read to him (and Brian is not a reader). Until about 6 months ago, being read to was one of Camden's favorite activities. Didn't matter if it were a Star Wars book or one of Rory's silly baby books, he would stop to listen if you would read it.Once he learned to read for himself, I was so excited for him and hoped that he would initiate reading on his own. Didn't happen. Mostly because he's lazy to be honest. :) But Saturday I found him this. And he f...

Mismatch Day

This week is Spirit Week at Camden's school, and he's been so excited. There's not a whole lot you can do for mismatch day if you're a boy, but he did wear a yellow/royal blue short sleeve shirt over a brown/blue long sleeve shirt and two different pair of (baseball) socks. At the last minute, he panicked worrying that no one else would show up wearing mismatched clothing. LOL And, no, his pants aren't this short - he was pulling them up to show off the socks. And it works out well because Rory wore these tights from Little MissMatched yesterday.

Let's Try This Schedule Thing Again

Brian and Camden both had half day Thursday (because of impending snow) and then a snow day on Friday. Add that to Saturday and it's 2.5 days of cabin fever. After 3 snow days before Christmas break, 2 weeks of Christmas break, 5 snow days last week, Martin Luther King Day, and 1.5 more snow days, I am D.O.N.E. Our house doesn't even know what a schedule is anymore. Maybe some of you are wonderful mothers and can embrace all the freedom, but after a month, I just want a schedule. Brian had a school project that kept him busy during the snow days and weekend so the kids and I played games, read books, did exercise routines (oh, yes, Camden wanted to do his school exercise routine over and over), etc. Unfortunately, Brian and I had chosen this week to put Camden on a little media fast (no Wii, TV, or DS) in order to help him get back control of his attitude. We did have family movie night Friday and watched The Little Rascals and then I gave in Saturday and let both kids watch V...