
If scrapping is good for the soul, then my soul should be really good right about now. Last weekend The Lilypad released its August collection, and I've scrapped three pages with it. So happy to be on their team (and get all these goodies for free!).





Anonymous said…
Similarities of Camden and his cousin Scott: I remember all the Star War characters and reenactments when Scott was Camden's age. Also, cousin Chris used to draw such intricate characters when he was this age, I'm assuming. I think that is interesting. And, Melissa, your family time is inspiring--hope you can keep your wish on that--and as Grandma Grant used to say to us when our children were this age, "Enjoy your kids because they will be grown up and gone before your know it!" Well, that was a long time ago, and in "another world" it seems. ;)But many things remain the same. Love you, Gma E.
These may be some of my fave pages of yours ever! LOVE.
Deena P said…
How beautiful! We enjoyed spending time with Camden the other day, and made a stop at Sonic after school yesterday to spend B's gift card.

He thought it was odd of me to play at Chuck E. Cheese, and said I could have 1 token. :D I just told him I bought them and could have as many as I wanted. lol He's a sweet kid.
Sara said…
Gorgeous work as always Melissa! And I am *filing away* the idea of Camden holding a photo of himself as a retrospective..such a fun idea! And makes for a wonderful page!! ♥
Anonymous said…
I'm so behind on scrapping! Every time I see your pages I want to get my stuff out and catch up. Poor Sabrina doesn't even have a baby book (well, she's got one, but there's nothing in it) and she's six! I'll catch up some day and admire your pages in the meantime....

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