A Day in the Life
Cuddling with the kittens
And with the other one (don't ask me to distinguish between the two because I can't).
Taking them for a walk (each of them separately over and over).
Oh, yes, my feet on the blog again. But the kitten was trying to eat my toes while its sister was being walked.
Rescuing them from the "poison ivy." And while our flower bed may be in bad shape, it's not in such bad shape that there's poison ivy growing there.
Gosh, this is hard work.
If only you could have been a fly on the wall to hear her talking bossing these kittens around. And she was absolutely horrified when they kept trying to climb the tree. She was convinced they would never come down and die. Of course, we caught them yesterday putting them on top of the cars trying to teach them to jump off. Let me just say that if I had any idea how entertaining these kittens would be (and how many hours the kids would spend playing with them), we would have had pets long before now. Although the first afternoon the kittens came home, the kids were so engrossed in playing with them that they decided they couldn't take the time to up the stairs into the house to use the bathroom and just used the driveway as their potty, and since girls can't be quite as sanitary or neat as boys can (not to mention she'd never done this outside before) you can imagine the mess Rory made all over herself.
Hope you have a great weekend! Mine includes a Neulasta shot which is probably my least favorite thing about treatment - it's worse than chemo. BUT Becky is flying in this morning and I'm hoping for enough energy before the Neulasta and chemo effects really kick in not only to see The Help on Saturday but also maybe finish a decorating project that's been in the works for months.
Hope you have time to do something fun this weekend!
Enjoy the Help! I want to see it too.
Is the shot for your white count? I had to give myself a shot called Neupogen for a week every month to try to keep my white count from eing dangerously low (not that it really seemed to work all that well). I hated it. I don't hate needles or shots, but something about sticking the needle into my stomach when I was already feeling so damn awful...I would work myself up into tears at times.