Wordless Wednesday

Okay, totally not wordless because these pictures wouldn't be as fun without her words.

"Awesome! I totally look like I don't have hair. . . just like you!"


And, yes, she's wearing lipstick yet again. Can't say I blame her. I don't like to be without lipstick myself.


Monica said…
Your daughter is absolutely precious! I loved her comment yesterday about the colors of your medicine.
Heidi Welch said…
Janet said…
I love that she wants to look like you...covering her hair and all. Awww, so sweet. Our kids know we are beautiful...inside and out.
KrisJ said…
So darn stinkin cute! I could just eat her up!
Elizabeth Frick said…
And I love it :)
Wendy said…
Awwwwwwwwe!!! So thankful you didn't make it wordless. So absolutely precious she is!
Grace said…
my faaaavoirte part of this is her little girl lipstick smile...you know, when they don't let their lips touch their gums because they're afraid of the lipstick rubbing off? hilarious!
Jessie said…
What sweetness!

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