Phone pics

While I dream of iPhones and instagram pics, we've barely joined the technology wave with texting in the last 2 weeks so I rarely take pictures with my phone. In fact, this morning for the first time ever I hooked up my phone to my PC and uploaded the pictures I've taken in the last several years. Ready for the big reveal?

Where is this little munchkin? I want him back!

This must be shortly after we arrived home from Korea (I can tell because of her hair).


And judging by how young Brian looks in this picture, I'm just gonna take a guess and say this is from before he started teaching full time. :)

My little sister Liz (once again judging by the hair - it's been a while!)

And the newest picture? Me in the lovely blue mask from my ER trip last weekend.


I'm going to keep dreaming of iPhones and maybe will get to take cool pics on the go soon.


Amy said…
I cannot believe how much Camden and Rory have changed. I laughed at your comment about Brian looking much younger before teaching...a classroom full of kids can definitely do that to you!!
Kelle said…
Thank you for your sweet comment. I was mesmorized by your photos, your children, your commitment to capturing all of what you are going through. What an amazing thing for your children to look back on. You will conquer this. Your children are beautiful, and your story is inspiring.
Elizabeth Frick said…
How fun is that to look through all those photos! I love reminiscing...
I, too, am behind the times. I have had the same phone since Isaac was born (5 years!!), so I have a lot of old school pics too. It was fun seeing Camden and Rory way back when!!
Krista said…
Oh the littles! Adorable!
Wow! It's been a while... huh?! :-)

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