Tuesday's Tidbits

Harry Potter was every bit as awesome as I expected. Seriously did not disappoint.

Rory says she "loves my medicine - there's SO much color, mama!"

I love watching the kids play on the new death trap (a.k.a. trampoline) out in the front yard. They spend most of their time, not jumping, but running in circles, playing karate, or bouncing water bottles up and down.

Camden and Rory just might be pet owners by the end of this day. More to come on that topic.

On our kid-free day yesterday, we went to Gymboree so I could spend my Gymbucks. My total started at $105.39, but after I applied my 2 Gymbucks and $40 in rewards, my total was $15.39. And by the way, that $15.39 total included: 3 pairs of shorts and 3 shirts for Camden; 1 dress, 2 pairs of underwear, 2 shirts, 1 pair of capris, and 1 pair of shorts for Rory. I felt like an extreme couponer.

Aunt Liz kept Camden and Rory for us while we had doctor's appointments and date day. They started out at Krispy Kreme where Camden declared it to be "the best day ever." If he only knew Aunt Liz was also going to take them to the park, to Chinese for lunch, and then to see Winnie the Pooh!

Had lunch at P.F. Chang's yesterday. Brian and I split an order of crab wontons and beef and broccoli. I wanted to lick the plate. It might be the best meal I've ever had. Of course, that could have sometime to do with the fact that food didn't taste like chemo yesterday and I didn't have to worry about it staying down for one of the first times in the last 4 weeks.

Trying to work my way through Google Reader, which has almost 1,000 posts. Yes, I'm a little behind.

Dr. H said we could leave my stomach holes alone and stop packing them. I'm a little apprehensive, but I guess we'll go with it. It was amazing how much the larger one had healed after just 24 hours of no packing. He also cleared me for chemo; now we're just waiting on the okay from Dr. W, but I'm not worried.

And the pigtails? After a short 6 weeks after getting her hair cut, it's grown enough for pigtails again. Of course, she's getting it chopped again Saturday. Don't ask me what's up with the jazz hands.



You are an extreme couponer!! I'd so much rather be able to save money on a bunch of clothes than on something dumb like mustard.
KrisJ said…
Yaa for a date day!!! Sounds like it was a fab one!! And girl you need to teach me how to be a good couponer.. I always think Im getting good deals.. until I see the bill lol!
Elizabeth Frick said…
Ha... jazz hands. :)
Look OUT you with your awesome couponing!
And Harry Potter was totally awesome, right? I want to see it again.
Can't wait to hear about this alleged pet!
Unknown said…
What a happy post! I'm glad to see you are feeling better. I hope it sticks!
Joy said…

Please shop for me! Even with Gymbucks, I didn't score very well. LOL! Would you be my personal shopper? : )

SO very happy you are feeling well!
Anonymous said…
Yay for a great date day! Yay for healing wounds and for yummy food you can actually taste !

- Renee
Karen said…
Hi! I am new here but wanted to say hello and that we will be praying for you. I am a fellow AP--your family is beautiful. BTW, do you need any more Gymbucks? I could e-mail a code to use online. :o) Thinking of you ...
Great tidbits! (as always) i'm in awe of your gymboree score... Sweet!! Love the cute photo of rory (and the ww pics... I couldn't comment on that post for some reason) and love that I'm not the only one with unread posts hovering around 1,000. :-/

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