Tuesday's Tidbits

Camden told me all about the "abdominal snowman" yesterday. :)

We've spent the last several months talking to the kids about selfless vs. selfish and trying to teach them the difference and to think of others first. Rory always says, "I'm going to let Camden be selfless." Something tells me she is not quite getting the concept.

I'm escaping to Nashville today. Working this morning then meeting a friend for headshots for his new business, then many, many errands. I've managed to become very behind in the holiday prep category. And after 3 straight days at home, the kids are so hyped up from cabin fever and cookies from my baking that our house can barely contain them. Brian (who is feeling better) and Camden both have snow days again today so Brian is staying home with both kids. Wish him luck because he is gonna need it. Just sayin'.

Snow pics tomorrow.

Lauren Grier/Shawna Clingerman: We're All Waiting for Something

Valorie Wibbens: All I Need

Found these pics over the weekend and decided to do a quick page. Such a fun night.


Elizabeth Frick said…
Well... Rory *did* say she would LET Camden be selfless. ;)
Did Brian survive?! I can't even imagine...
Krista said…
Abdominal snowman!! Love it!
And you went to DWTS? How cool!

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